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Delivery to UK addresses is by 1st Class Royal Mail at a flat rate.
We are committed to customer satisfaction. All purchases may be returned for a refund within 7 days from receipt of your purchase. Returns on any products must be complete, unused and returned in the original packaging with all tags attached. All returns must be in writing so please email with the order#, purchase date, product description and your contact phone and email address.
We take special care to wrap our products for protection against any damage during the shipping process. We ask you to thoroughly check your purchases for any damages and or defects upon delivery. Should your purchase have any damages or defects upon delivery, we will arrange for you to receive a full refund including Postage & Packaging costs. You will need to contact us via email within 24hrs of receipt of your purchases to receive a full refund including Postage & Packaging costs. Items MUST be unworn without any tags removed.
If you wish to return your purchase for a refund, contact us within the 10 days from receipt of your purchase. Refunds will take place within 30 days of written notice to us. Customers are responsible for Postage & Packaging costs on returned items. Customers are responsible for packages until they reach us therefore we recommend using a delivery service which requires a signature and insurance in the event of lost packages.
Orders may be cancelled or changed at any time prior to dispatch at no charge. In the event your package has been shipped before cancellation notification, follow instructions for returns.